News (2016)

2016-11-07: Mounika successfully defended her Master thesis titled "Techniques fo Capturing and Filtering Data Value Traces in Multicores." Congratulations Mounika! 


2016-10-31: Armen successfully defended his dissertation titled "A Framework for Optimizing Data Transfers Between Edge Devices and the Cloud Using Compression Utilities." Congratulations Armen! 


2016-10-04: Dr. Milenkovic presented the paper titled "Exploiting Cache Coherence for Effective On-the-Fly Data Tracing in Multicores," at the ICCD'16. 


2016-10-04: Mounika presented the paper titled  On-the-Fly Load Data Value Tracing in Multicores," at the CASES'16 (ESWEEK'16). Congratulations Mounika. 


2016-07-30: Mounika's paper titled "Exploiting Cache Coherence for Effective On-the-Fly Data Tracing in Multicores," has been accepted to appear at the ICCD'16 conference (double blind review, 77 accepted out of 267). Congratulations Mounika!


2016-07-27: Our paper "An Environment for Automated Measurement of Energy Consumed by Mobile and Embedded Computing Devices," has been accepted in the Measurement journal. Early access online is available (click here). 


2016-07-27: Armen's paper has received the Best Student Paper Award at the 6th International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communications Systems (PECCS'16). Congratulations Armen! 


2016-07-26: Armen presented two papers at the 6th International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS'16). 


2016-07-18: Our paper titled "An mHealth Tool Suite for Mobility Assessment," has been published in the MDPI Information journal. Congratulations to the team!


2016-07-01: Mounika's ACM CASES'16 paper has been accepted. Congratulations Mounika!


2016-06-07: We have received Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Credits worth of $1,000 to support Armen's research in Data Transfer Optimizations. Armen led the effort to secure this donation. Congratulations Armen!  


2016-05-05: Armen's two papers (energy measurements and compressed transfer models) have been accepted by the PECCS 2016. 


2016-05-06: Our paper titled "A Smartphone Application Suite for Assessing Mobility" has been accepted for presentation at the 38th Annual International Conference of teh IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Bilogy Society (EMBC'16). Priyanka is the first author. Congratulations Priyanka! 


2016-05-01: A paper titled "Models for Evaluating Effective Throughputs for File Transfers in Mobile Computing" has been accepted by the 25th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN 2016). Congratulations Armen!


2016-04-18: A book chapter titled "Improving Effectiveness of Data Transfer in Mobile Computing Using Lossless Compression Utilities," has been accepted for publishing in the book Advances in Computer Communications and Networks, Editors: Kewei Sha, Aaron Striegel and Min Song. Armen is the lead author. Congratulations Armen!


2016-03-23: NVIDIA donated a Titan X GPU to the LaCASA Laboratory. 


2016-03-17: GPU Education Center at The University of Alabama in Huntsville has been renewed for another year. Dr. Wells and myself led the renewal effort.


2016-02-19: Mr. Armen Dzhagaryan passed his qualifying exam. Congratulations Armen!