2017-10-10: Armen presented his paper at IEEE PIMRC'17.
2017-09-29: Ryan successfuly defended his Master thesis entitled "An Implementation and Experimental Evaluation of Hardware Accelerated Ciphers in All-Programmable SoCs on Embedded and Workstation Computer Platforms." Congratulations Ryan!
2017-08-15: Ranjan and Prawar join the LaCASA research group. Welcome!
2017-08-02: Our paper "A Framework for Optimizing File Transfers Between Mobile Devices and the Cloud," has been accepted to the 2017 IEEE 28th Annual Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communication (PIMRC) to be held in Montreal, QC, Canada, October 8-13, 2017.
2017-04-14: Ryan presented the paper titled "An Implementation and Experimental Evaluation of Hardware Accelerated Ciphers in All-Programmable SoCs" at the ACMSE'17. Congratulations Ryan!